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China's motor market has a very broad development prospect

发布员:admin    发布时间:2019-07-04

As a basic power equipment, electric motors have maintained steady and rapid growth in recent years. In recent years, a number of policies and industrial plans have accelerated the development of electric motors in the direction of energy conservation. With the development of industrial economy, motors have been widely used, and China has a huge demand for improving the efficiency of motor systems and strengthening system energy conservation management.

    With the gradual recovery of the domestic and foreign markets, Chinese motor companies are gradually looking to the larger foreign markets while maintaining the European and American international markets. From the perspective of different types of motors: the market demand for linear motors has stabilized, and the current popularity of motors of various technologies has heralded the arrival of a new era in the motor industry.

    In the first quarter of 2019, China's import and export of mechanical and electrical products reached US$497.49 billion, a year-on-year increase of 16.6%, of which high-tech products were exported at US$163.33 billion, an increase of 28.4%. China Business Intelligence Network released "2015-2019 China's electric motor China's motor market development prospects are very broad

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